Faith Explorers Recent Topics

14 Sept 2015: Social Survey and DomPost article on The Flag issue, led by John

We started by considering the DomPost article by asking what are the NZ characteristics that make us who we are, as raised in the article. Generally fed up with rugby – even before the World Cup starts; we agreed that rugby doesn’t represent NZ. Other suggestions were honesty, women’s rights, equality/workers rights, welcome immigrants, multiracial. The flag will not define us – but how we treat people.

The social survey consisted of factual and values based questions – one being characteristics which one feels are important to being a NZer? Some thought ‘being born here’ or ‘brought up in NZ from young age’, others simply ‘to feel like a NZer’ – which would imply that they have lived in NZ for some considerable time.

Another question was how do you see yourself as a NZer or member of ethnic group, or if both which predominately?